The short answer is yes, you should be able to touch your face on the LSAT. The longer answer is your proctor may tell you not to. Taking the LSAT soon and want to know if they’ll ding you for this harmless habit? Read on. The LSAT Candidate Agreement does not forbid you from touching […]
LSAT Discord
I’m happy to announce a new Discord server for everyone on LSATHacks. You’ll find text channels to discuss the LSAT and admissions There’s a music lounge channel where you can study with Lofi music 24/7 There are voice channels where you can join other people studying You can get answers to questions from me personally […]
LSAT Disclosed Analytical Reasoning Section (AR Field Study)
Normally, the only place to get LSAT prep material is within an LSAT Preptest. You can find these preptests on LSAC Lawhub. There is one exception, and if you didn’t take part you probably won’t be able to ever access these, but I’d like to write about it for completeness. The “Disclosed Analytical Reasoning Section” is an […]
Is the LSAT Based in Reality?
Sometimes I’ll think of something and then realized that I learned it from an LSAT passage. Are the scientific studies mentioned something I can rely on? – Reddit User Does the LSAT use real studies and real facts when making its questions? I see this question a lot and the answer is yes, the LSAT […]
Two amazingly detailed explanations from the LSAC
Ever see one of those “item removed from scoring” notices on an LSAT preptest? That means the question had some kind of flaw. The LSAC doesn’t release information on why the questions were flawed, but presumably more than one answer was right, or the stimulus didn’t lead to the credited answer. You can challenge a […]
LSAT Forums
LSAT forums are thriving communities. They have guides based on the experience of students who made significant improvements. Top LSAT instructors participate on a daily basis. And you can connect with thousands of LSAT students who are going through exactly what you’re going through. If there’s something you’ve been wondering about, you can get precise, […]
Five things I’ve learned writing thousands of LSAT explanations
Over the past three years, I’ve written explanations for LSAT preptests 19-38, 66-70, and a few others. I’m working on preptests 65 and 71 at the moment, and also posting them for free on LSAT Hacks. The LSAT is a deep test, and writing a few thousand explanations for LSAT questions has given me a […]
Free LSAT 70 Explanations (October 2013 LSAT)
LSAT 70 is now officially released, it was the October 2013 LSAT. I’ve written explanations for every question of this LSAT Preptest. They’re free. I’m an author. I write books of LSAT explanations; Hacking The LSAT is the best selling series of LSAT explanations on I’ve decided to try something new this time. That’s […]
Best LSAT Prep Books
This are a LOT of LSAT prep books. It’s overwhelming. I’m going to highlight the best books. Note that this is a list of LSAT study guides. For a list of LSAT preptests (which are essential), go here: LSAT preptests The LSAT Trainer The three big names in LSAT Guides are Powerscore, Loophole in Logical Reasoning […]
LSAT Explanations Update
LSAT 66 explanations are coming soon. I’ve been teaching an LSAT class full time this month, so I haven’t had time to work on this site. With this month’s work, I’ll have made enough money that I can spend time working on this site full time. So look forward to lots of new explanations starting […]