Game Setup
This is a type of grouping game. There is a certain deduction which lets you solve most things. Otherwise the game is quite difficult.
Follow along closely and you’ll see how this game can become quite easy.
We have seven students. They are fourth year, third year and second year. It’s a very good idea to draw a diagram showing the students’ years. Notice that Yer students have letters further along in the alphabet.
Student’s can be in single, double or triple rooms. The first two rules deal with this. If you are a fourth year student you cannot be in triple. You can only be in a single or a double.
If you are a second year student, you cannot be in a single.
The third year students can be in any room except…P acts like a fourth year student. The fourth rule P is always with K (K is fourth year).
Here’s are the rooms each student can go in.
The next two rules are about grouping. Lee and Robin can’t be together and K and P have to be together. K and P can’t go in a triple, because K is fourth year. Two people clearly can’t go in a single, so K and P are in a double. 3
So we know there is always one double, K and P.
There are, at most, two singles because S, T, and V can’t be in singles. So, only R and L can be in singles. This is very, very important. There are only two possible singles: R and L.
Any answer choice that has more than two singles is wrong, and that’s a lot of them. As for triples, there can only be one triple at most because S, T and V along with R are the only ones that can go in the triple. There are four of them but you can only fit three in a triple.
These deductions about the numbers of singles and triples will eliminate many wrong answers. They take a hard game and make it easy.
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