This is similar to question 10. Mannequin 1 has to wear the yellow skirt, because mannequin 2 is already wearing a navy skirt.
One mannequin will wear the yellow hat, and the other wears the yellow jacket.
We can’t have the mannequins wearing all three colors. Mannequin 1 is wearing yellow, so their hat and jacket must be red and yellow (in either order).
Mannequin 2 is wearing navy and yellow, so they can’t wear a red hat or red jacket.
Here’s one way to arrange things. But know that you can reverse the colors of the hat and jacket (e.g. RY or YR for mannequin 1).
B is CORRECT. Mannequin 1 can wear the yellow jacket, and red hat, or vice-versa.
A is wrong. If mannequin 1 wore navy, he would be wearing all three colors.
C is wrong. Mannequin 1 needs to wear the yellow skirt, because mannequin 2 can’t.
D and E are wrong because mannequin 2 can’t wear red for this question. They’re already wearing navy and yellow.
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