DISCUSSION: On this type of question, make sure you check your answer against the passage. You should be able to find a specific line that proves it right.
What does CLS seem to think of the law? Mostly they think that it’s arbitrary and irrational.
- CLS does not think the law provides definitive solutions. (see lines 9-11)
- This sounds like Meyerson’s view from the last paragraph. Lines 50-54 show that CLS advocates thought you had to approve certain values to apply the law.
- CORRECT. Read lines 50-54 closely. The CLS advocate says that we need to appeal to values outside the law to apply the rules. So the law alone is not enough.
- Lines 50-51 imply that CLS scholars think the law is not like a game.
- CLS scholars don’t seem to think the law is much good for deciding anything. In the third paragraph, they argue it is irrational.
Member Matt says
Only question I missed on the test because, in the heat of the moment, I accidentally read the question as “It can be inferred… about what the law SHOULD BE?”
So make sure you always ready the question thoroughly.