DISCUSSION: The scholars think that lawyers should say exactly what their clients want them to say. Lawyers’ clients don’t have legal training, so they can’t say it themselves. The next best thing is to have a lawyer say it for you.
- If this were true, then the lawyer wouldn’t say what the client wanted. Instead, they would say what was legally correct.
- Doubtful. Most defendants don’t care about examining all evidence, especially if that evidence will prove them guilty. They want an advocate who will acquit them.
- CORRECT. The truth doesn’t matter to the scholars. They think someone with legal experience should state the client’s case.The prosecutor will take care of the other side, and the judge can say who is right.
- Justice might mean: send the defendant to jail. The scholars argue a defense lawyer should try to prevent that.
- Not quite. Arguing for someone’s right to representation is not the same thing as actually representing someone! Lawyers are supposed to defend you.
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