QUESTION TEXT: Today’s farmers plant only a handful of different strains of…
CONCLUSION: We are more vulnerable to a disease that only strikes a few strains of crops than we were in the past.
REASONING: Farmers plant many fewer strains of crops, increasing the vulnerability of the system.
ANALYSIS: This is a fairly strong argument, and to weaken it we will need something that shows either why crops are more protected in modern times, or why it would not be a problem if several strains were hit at once.
- This doesn’t explain why present diseases would not be even more devastating.
- CORRECT. This weakens the argument. Even if a large percentage of present crops were affected, they could quickly be replaced.
- This actually strengthens the argument, showing that crops are more vulnerable now.
- We may have more variety, but we still rely on a smaller number of crops (perhaps due to increased agricultural trade). This does nothing to harm the argument that crops are more vulnerable today.
- This shows why crops might be less vulnerable to other problems, but the argument is specifically about vulnerability to disease.
Recap: The question begins with “Today’s farmers plant only a handful of different strains of”. It is a Weaken question. Learn how to master LSAT Weaken questions on the LSAT Logical Reasoning question types page.
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