QUESTION TEXT: Long-term and short-term relaxation training are two…
CONCLUSION: Expensive long-term relaxation training is unnecessary for most people.
REASONING: Symptoms of anxiety generally decrease to normal at the end of the time it takes to complete the short course. This is true whether someone is taking the long training or the short training.
ANALYSIS: The argument is only looking at short term results. It should really compare how the two groups do after a few years. We want anxiety levels to stay low for a long time.
The right answer tells us that patients who only receive short term treatment are more likely to relapse.
- This would be an argument against both types of treatment.
- This isn’t a problem if the more experienced practitioner can get better results. The only reason cost is mentioned is because results for short and long term seem to be the same. Why pay more for the same thing?
- CORRECT. Here we go. Short terms works.…at first. But then you are more likely to have a relapse and have to complete expensive training again.
- If this is equally true of both types of treatment then this doesn’t really change anything.
- This could explain why short term relaxation works. It doesn’t weaken the argument though.
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