DISCUSSION: For this question, you should think about why the court ruled in favor of the Alaska Natives:
- The natives had a long tradition of using sea otter pelts (lines 41-45).
- The natives had only stopped this tradition because the law forbid them to hunt sea otters (lines 49-54).
The correct answer should match both of those factors.
- Several millennia is a long time. Too long. It’s like if Italians wanted to have gladiator fights to the death because of “tradition”.
- This answer doesn’t indicate whether these handicrafts are traditional.
- CORRECT. In the passage, the Alaska Natives were prevented from exercising their tradition due to a factor beyond their control: the law. Here, the tradition was also ended due to an outside factor: industrial development.
- This sounds like a rare tradition. It’s not likely to receive legal protection.
- This sounds like the tradition is dying out by itself. In the passage, the tradition only died because the law banned it.
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