If N is 6th, then there are only five spaces left for PST. Since these letters must be kept apart, their positions looks like this:
We can deduce a bit more. Rules 2 and 3 say that both S and T need a variable after them (S-O and T-W). So neither S nor T can go fifth.
Therefore P must go fifth.
Once again there are two possibilities. Either S is first and T is third, or the opposite:
Next, apply rules 2 and 3. The 4th spot is the limiting spot in both cases.
In the first diagram, W must go 4th to be after T.
In the second diagram, O must go 4th to be after S.
There’s only one spot left in each diagram, so put the other variables there. In the first diagram, O goes second:
In the second diagram, W goes second:
Once again, I’ve shown more deductions than we needed. We could have stopped with the very first deduction: P is 5th. B is CORRECT.
However, you never know which deduction will be tested. So it’s valuable to practice making all of them. Usually it doesn’t take long to add the extra deductions.
Hananya Haridim says
Thank you so much for posting these valuable, clear explanations.