DISCUSSION: Shostak uses the example of one woman to make claims about that woman’s culture and about women in general. See the middle part of paragraph 1.
Shostak also includes herself and her relations with Nisa as a subject of study. See the last sentence of paragraph 1.
- CORRECT. This is like the last sentence of paragraph 1. The director involves himself in the story just like Shostak involved herself in Nisa’s story.
- This book is just a fraud. Shostak didn’t lie in her biography of Nisa. She indicated which parts were autobiography.
- We don’t know that Shostak included the day to day details of Nisa’s life. We only know Nisa gave Shostak an autobiography of her life. Nisa might not have concerned herself with every little detail.
- This would be Shostak giving an autobiography. Nisa was a biography of another woman. Shostak only describes herself to the extent that she interacts with Nisa.
- Shostak only used one life: Nisa’s. She did not use the experiences of a broad group of people.
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