QUESTION TEXT: Electric stovetop burners would cause fewer fires if…
QUESTION TYPE: Identify the Conclusion
CONCLUSION: Electric stovetop burners would cause fewer fires if their max heat were limited to 350 degrees Celsius. (662 F).
REASONING: The lowest temperature that ignites cooking oil and most common fibers is 387 degrees celsius. Electric burners currently go much higher than 700 degree celsius.
ANALYSIS: You’re looking for the conclusion. Ask yourself “why are they telling me this?”. You’re looking for a statement supported by the other statements.
Often, the first sentence is the conclusion, especially if there are no conclusion indicator words. Another sign of the conclusion is when an argument tells us what “would” happen, as the first sentence does here.
There’s no infallible indicator of conclusions, but all the things above tend to indicate conclusions. Here, the author is telling us what would happen if electric stove burners were limited in heat.
- CORRECT. See the analysis above. This answer is the point of the argument. The rest of the argument gives reasons why stoves would cause fewer fires if electric burners had lower max temperatures.
- This is evidence that supports the conclusion indirectly. If 350 degrees provides enough heat, then it’s realistic to limit electric stove burners to that temperature. This helps show the conclusion is not describing a ridiculous situation.
- This is evidence that supports the conclusion that a 350 degree limit would lead to fewer fires.
- This is evidence that supports the conclusion. Current stove max temperatures are more than high enough to start fires.
- The argument actually doesn’t say this answer. It’s just implied that stoves cause fires because they go above 700 degrees celsius. That is not the main conclusion. That’s something that supports the idea that we’d have fewer fires if stove heat was limited.
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