QUESTION TEXT: Film director: Although the production costs of my…
CONCLUSION: The film studio will probably recover the high costs of production, even if the film is unpopular.
REASONING: A lot of the money is being spend on special effects technology that can be used in future films.
ANALYSIS: We only know one thing: the producer thinks the technology alone can recover the costs of production.
To weaken the argument, you should show either that the studio can’t use the technology later, or that it won’t be profitable to do so.
- This strengthens the argument by showing the studio has ownership and control of the technology.
- This strengthens the argument by showing both that the technology is profitable, and that the film itself might draw large audiences.
The author said the film wouldn’t need to be successful, but obviously if the film is successful that increases profits and strengthens the argument. - This is a trap answer. The author said that the studio will recoup its costs even if the film is unprofitable. So the author already accounted for this. It’s the technology that will recoup costs.
- CORRECT. This greatly weakens the argument. The author’s central point is that future technology use will lead to profits, even if the film is unsuccessful.
But this answer shows that if the film is unsuccessful, then it’s possible the technology will become useless as well. - This strengthens the argument. Lower costs = recouping money.
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