Note: Scoring above 160 or taken a course before? Try the mastery seminars instead ➞ Mastery Seminars Want everything? Get the Course, Mastery seminars + LSATHacks Mastery Toolkit here for $400 off ➞ Ultimate LSAT Prep Bundle
LSAT Hacks Course
- Recorded video lessons covering all aspects of the LSAT.
- Original videos from a live online LSAT course that I recorded. Covers all aspects of the LSAT + review of timed practice sections.
- You’ll have access for 15 months by default, and can extend for free
- Uses PTs 132-136 and 137-140
- Clear, simple strategies for every question type
About Graeme
- Scored a 177 on the LSAT
- Taught the LSAT for 15+ years
- Author of the best selling LSATHacks series of explanations
- Moderator of Reddit’s LSAT forum
Have Questions?
You can schedule a quick phone call by sending me your number here:
(You can also just write your question if you prefer that.)
Course Preview Videos
Logical Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
Is this course worth it?
- The LSAT is the most important part of your application, and the only major part you can change now. It’s hard to overstate how important it is: a higher score can get you into a better school, or get you a $100,000 scholarship. Even a single point on the LSAT is probably worth around $10,000. So if you think this class might get you even a single point higher, you should take it. (Of course, it will likely lead to more improvement than that)
How is this class different from other online courses?
- The biggest difference is that it’s taught personally by me. I’m assuming that you’re reading this because you’ve used some of my free LSAT explanations, and found them very helpful. This course is in the same style: simple, straightforward, but powerful.
- The other big difference is that I’m constantly adding to it. You can ask me questions and I’ll make video replies to add to the course. At this stage I’ve got a lot more personal involvement with the course than is typical of a course where the founder has moved on to other things.
What do you need to do?
- Give feedback. Apart from using the course, feedback will be very helpful. It will let me decide what new videos to add.
Can I ask questions?
- Yes. There will be comments pages under the lessons. I’ll answer questions there.
What questions does this course use?
It uses preptests 132-136, and also some questions from 123-131. Note that you’ll need access to the preptests yourself. The best source to get them is Lawhub.
Is there a satisfaction guarantee?
- Yes. There’s a seven day money back guarantee.
I haven’t started studying. Will this work for beginners?
- The course is my best advice for all sections of the LSAT. If you’re a beginner, you can watch it from start to finish.
What if I’ve already been studying?
- There’s one and only one group that’s reported they haven’t found the course consistently useful: those scoring 165+ who have been studying for months. If that’s you, then you should take one of my advanced mastery seminars instead: the RC mastery seminar and the LR Mastery Seminar
- If you’re not scoring 165+, then you’ll probably find the course useful, even if you’ve been studying. It’s only the group 165+ who said it wasn’t suited for them. The reason was that they already knew 85% of the course. Everyone else who has taken the course has really enjoyed it, as you can see in the reviews section.
I only want people to take this course if they’re likely to find it useful. So if you’re scoring higher, you should take one of the mastery seminars I’ve released: The RC mastery seminar or the LR Mastery seminar
If you’re scoring under 165, or new to studying, this course will definitely be useful. I’ve had nothing but good feedback from this group.
Note: There are still things in the course useful for high scorers. One of the students in the original class moved from mid 160s to over 170. And plenty of people have used this course to move up to a high score.
It’s only harder to use if you’re already at a high score and have been studying. And enough people in that group has mentioned this that I decided to make a something specifically for them.
Coralei –
I signed on for all of the Mastery seminars. What I liked most is that I could go at my own pace, concentrate where I needed specific me, and instead of memorizing steps the courses showed how to think, Knowing how best to think prepared me for any question in any section.
I had previously used some other preps and I had written an LSAT so the Mastery courses worked well for me – I had the basics but needed to up my score and these seminars let me do that. Thrilled to share that I will be going to my first choice Law school this fall. Thank you to LSAT Hacks for supporting me in my journey to Law school.