For a local rule question you should always draw the new rule. Then see what deductions you can make by combining it with other rules. If M and P are in wetlands, then K has to be in wetlands too. M and K always go together.
Since P is not in the oceans that means H can’t go in the oceans. Hmust go in R instead. This leaves F and G. We know that F and G can’t go with H. F and G have to go in the oceans.
This leaves only the random variables, (N and L) along with J. There are no rules left for J; it can now go anywhere.
A is CORRECT. H can’t be in the oceans because P is not in the oceans. H must go in R.
B is wrong because J can go either in O or in R.
C is wrong because K has to be assigned in W, with M.
D is wrong because W is full: there’s no room for L.
E is wrong because N could also be assigned to R.
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