DISCUSSION: Tollefson thinks the philosophy behind educational centers is flawed. So if an educational center fulfills its mission, it’s likely hurting immigrants.
- It’s true that Tollefson thinks the centers offer bad language training. But he also thinks they offer poor job training: immigrants are only trained for menial jobs (lines 21-22).
- CORRECT. Lines 28-33 support this. The philosophy of individual success cuts immigrants off from business opportunities within their communities.
- Err…Tollefson gives us a history of immigration policies (43-44). The modern curricula of educational centers don’t discuss the history of immigration.
- Tollefson thinks the philosophy behind the curricula hurts immigrants. So better teachers might make things worse.
- To some extent, the programs already do this by encouraging immigrants to get rid of their old values. Tollefson doesn’t think this is a good idea. (lines 29-38)
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