DISCUSSION: Clementi and Field are mentioned in lines 10-16. Their music was available, unlike the music of other members of the Pianoforte school.
- Lines 12-13 say that the surviving editions of Field’s and Clementi’s music were not scholarly.
- Field and Clementi’s works were better remembered than those of other members of the school. Line 12 said these works were “familiar enough.”
- We don’t know if Field and Clementi’s works were particularly good. We only know that they survived. Bad works can survive.
- CORRECT. The works of Field and Clementi are better known than works of other leading Pianoforte school composers. The works of the Cramer and Dussek were not revived (lines 14-16), and it’s strongly implied that there were no published editions of these works.
- Temperley’s anthology might revive other composers whose works had been lost. Field and Clementi were less in need of revival, as they were still being published.
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