DISCUSSION: Unusually, none of the four wrong answers are even true, according to the passage. Main point questions usually have 1-2 answers that are true but not the main point.
The purpose of the passage is to discuss the profession of risk communication, and help risk communicators understand what information the public needs to make an informed decision.
The “should therefore” on line 38 indicates that the third paragraph is the conclusion and purpose of the passage.
- Unfortunately, we don’t know whether risk communicators are effective.
- CORRECT. This is the point of the third paragraph.
The entire passage leads up to that paragraph.It is the argument’s conclusion.
- The second and third paragraphs don’t support this. Lines 32-37, for example, show that ordinary people can understand risk, if they are informed. So a message needs to be informative, but not necessarily simplified.
- Lines 15-18 contradict this definition. Risk communication helps people decide whether to accept a new technology.
- Lines 21-24 do show that people use subjective ethical concerns in judging risk. But the author never said it’s wrong to value the life of a child more than a risk-taking adult.
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