QUESTION TEXT: Twenty professional income-tax advisors were given identical…
- Twenty income tax advisors were given the same tax form to fill out.
- They all did it differently, and 19 of them were technically incorrect.
ANALYSIS: This is a very small sample, so there isn’t much we can conclude. Most of the wrong answers make blanket statements about all tax advisors.
There’s really only one thing we can conclude: tax advisors aren’t perfect. Nineteen of the twenty made mistakes. So at least those nineteen make mistakes.
- Who knows? Twenty is a small sample. The actual accuracy rate might be higher or lower.
- CORRECT. This is true. We know that at least nineteen tax advisors are capable of bungling tax returns.
- There’s not much support for this. Nineteen of the tax advisors weren’t much help in ensuring tax returns were correct.
- We only know about twenty tax advisors. Maybe the rest are more accurate. And one of the twenty made no mistakes.
- The tax advisors don’t give us much evidence that this is true. Nineteen out of twenty couldn’t get things right.
Recap: The question begins with “Twenty professional income-tax advisors were given identical”. It is a Must be True question. Learn more about LSAT MBT questions in our guide to LSAT Logical Reasoning question types.
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