QUESTION TEXT: Jane: Television programs and movies that depict violence among…
CONCLUSION: We should ban TV and movie violence, in programs directed at teenagers.
REASONING: TV and movies are influential, and violent. Therefore, they must cause violence.
ANALYSIS: Jane also make a bad argument. Just because TV is influential, doesn’t mean it affects our behavior or that it has a violent influence.
We should strengthen the idea that watching violence makes us violent.
The correct answer strengthens a different part of Jane’s argument. Jane wants to restrict mainly those programs aimed at teenagers. The right answer shows that it really is programs aimed at teens that most influence teens.
- This weakens the argument. Jane’s conclusion would be stronger if media glorified teenagers who were violent.
- CORRECT. This helps. Jane’s argument would be weaker if violent adult movies were more influential with teenagers than programs aimed at teens.
- We don’t care about movie and TV profits.
Also, this answer choice doesn’t even mention violence. And we don’t know what proportion of TV and movie producers make these high profits. This answer is far too vague to do anything. - This weakens the argument. Violent teens were violent before they watched violent movies and TV. The effect precedes the cause.
- This slightly weakens the argument. There may be no need for censorship if the industry will self-regulate.
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