DISCUSSION: See lines 22-26. Answer choice E is a direct paraphrase of these lines.
The fastest way to answer this type of question is to find the relevant part of the passage first.
It takes a bit more time up front, but you can cut through the wrong answers like a hot knife through butter. They’re typically nonsense.
- This is something many real-world environmentalists fear. But it’s not something that steady-state economists mention. Be careful of outside assumptions that conflict with the passage.
- I’m not sure what this means. It sounds like we’ll use more resources, but I don’t know if that means too many. Not every steady state economist thinks the economy is already using too many resources.
- This doesn’t even mention the environment. It sounds like something a neoclassical economist might worry about.
- This is something that neoclassical economists talk about, in lines 9-12.
- CORRECT. Lines 22-26 say this directly.
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