This is an explanation for passage 1 of LSAT preptest 30, the December 1999 LSAT. This passage is about Okapis. The author tries to answer common questions about this forest mammal from Central Africa.
This section has paragraph summaries and an analysis of the passage, links to the explanations for the questions are below.
Paragraph Summaries
- Problem 1: How do we classify the Okapi? (Okapis are like Giraffes)
- Problem 2: How many Okapi are there? (Quite a few. Problem solved using radio collars)
- Why the Okapi seemed scarce.
- Another question: why do the Okapi stay in forests?
This passage is devoted to exploring various questions about the Okapi. The passage answers most questions, but not all.
There isn’t too much to say. Make sure you can summarize each paragraph. Many questions require you to check the passage and find relevant information. This goes a lot faster if you have a mental map of the passage.
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