QUESTION TEXT: Ringtail opossums are an Australian wildlife species…
CONCLUSION: The opossums are going extinct because of non-native predators rather than from a lack of food.
REASONING: 75% of opossums released from captivity were eaten by foxes.
ANALYSIS: This is a bad argument. The opossums were living in captivity. They may not have had a chance to learn how to survive amongst predators. Wild opossums might not get eaten by foxes often and lack of food might be a bigger problem for them.
- This doesn’t help, since the conclusion is that non-native predators are threatening the opossum. The conclusion would be stronger (slightly) if there were more non-native predators.
- All that matters is that the foxes adapted well enough to eat opossums. The fact that some other species adapted better does not strengthen the argument.
- This doesn’t affect the fact that it was foxes that killed the opossums once they were released. We have no indication that food was an issue for these opossums.
- This doesn’t matter. The conclusion was that non-native predators were harming the opossum. The opossums weren’t dying from lack of food. They were dying because foxes ate them.
- CORRECT. This eliminates the possibility that the opossums raised in captivity were simply unprepared to deal with predators.
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