DISCUSSION: Lines 13-16 say that women’s culture disappeared as women went to university, work and politics.
Before that, women were in the home. Lines 22-28 describe this more explicitly: the garden, the house, the artifacts of domesticity. This was the world of women.
It’s hard to conceive of the extent women were in the home, pre-1865. My grandmothers were both homemakers….after they married. Before marrying, one grandmother left home to work in the city, and the other got a university degree and worked as a schoolteacher.
Pre-1865, this was not possible. Women….stayed….at….home. They read, they knitted, they played piano, they walked in the garden. If they left the house, they did so in the company of a male relative. They went to balls, and received suitors at home. If there was a match, they went to their new husband’s house, and the cycle began again.
That was their life.
- CORRECT. “Domestic” experiences means experiences in the home. Which is where women were before 1865. See lines 13-16 and 22-28.
- Regional life was what the local colorists explored, after women escaped from the home. See lines 16-20.
- The local colorists were the only artists mentioned (line 20), and their movement arose after women’s culture ended. I’m not sure what else this answer could refer to, but it certainly doesn’t refer to the world of women’s culture.
- Women did not go to university until women’s culture dissolved. See lines 13-16.
- Same as D. Politics was off limits to women until women’s culture started dissolving. See lines 13-16.
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