DISCUSSION: As with question 9, you should justify the answer you choose by using a line from the passage.
If you can’t justify the answer using the passage, there’s a good chance you’ve made an error.
- CORRECT. Lines 33-35 strongly suggest this. Those lines say that if archivists don’t start using computers, they will run out of time.
We have more information than ever. Only computer storage (line 23) lets us store all of our information using very little space. - Lines 33-35 contradict this. We are running out of time and can’t afford to wait.
- It’s true that digital storage has durability problems (second paragraph). But the first paragraph describes how even non-computerized information is decaying rapidly.
- The author doesn’t mention paintings. There’s no reason to think that it’s hard to store photographs. The author doesn’t mention any reasons, and you surely know that computers already store photographs very effectively.
- This is total nonsense. The author never mentions that storing a large amount of information causes the data to be unstable.
It is true that we have more information than ever, and that it degrades faster than ever. But that’s just a correlation.
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