This is another type of acceptable order question. Remember that the two movies in the answers are on screen two. They are shown at 7 and 9.
It’s best to go through the rules one at a time to see if a rule proves an answer correct.
The first rule proves that C is CORRECT. The western must go before the horror film. That means that W can’t go at 9.
You should, of course, check that none of the answers violate rules 2-4. And all the other answers are fine.
I’m not going to bother proving that the other answers work. It’s not something you’d ever want to do under timed conditions.
If you think that one of the other answers also doesn’t work, then you’re misreading the rules. I don’t know which rule you’re misreading, so I can’t solve the problem except by telling you to read the rules again and find your mistake.
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