Note: Scoring above 160 or taken a course before? Try the mastery seminars instead ➞ Mastery Seminars Want everything? Get the Course, Mastery seminars + LSATHacks Mastery Toolkit here for $400 off ➞ Ultimate LSAT Prep Bundle
LSAT Hacks Course
- Recorded video lessons covering all aspects of the LSAT.
- Original videos from a live online LSAT course that I recorded. Covers all aspects of the LSAT + review of timed practice sections.
- You’ll have access for 15 months by default, and can extend for free
- Uses PTs 132-136 and 137-140
- Clear, simple strategies for every question type
About Graeme
- Scored a 177 on the LSAT
- Taught the LSAT for 15+ years
- Author of the best selling LSATHacks series of explanations
- Moderator of Reddit’s LSAT forum
Have Questions?
You can schedule a quick phone call by sending me your number here:
(You can also just write your question if you prefer that.)
Course Preview Videos
Logical Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
Is this course worth it?
- The LSAT is the most important part of your application, and the only major part you can change now. It’s hard to overstate how important it is: a higher score can get you into a better school, or get you a $100,000 scholarship. Even a single point on the LSAT is probably worth around $10,000. So if you think this class might get you even a single point higher, you should take it. (Of course, it will likely lead to more improvement than that)
How is this class different from other online courses?
- The biggest difference is that it’s taught personally by me. I’m assuming that you’re reading this because you’ve used some of my free LSAT explanations, and found them very helpful. This course is in the same style: simple, straightforward, but powerful.
- The other big difference is that I’m constantly adding to it. You can ask me questions and I’ll make video replies to add to the course. At this stage I’ve got a lot more personal involvement with the course than is typical of a course where the founder has moved on to other things.
What do you need to do?
- Give feedback. Apart from using the course, feedback will be very helpful. It will let me decide what new videos to add.
Can I ask questions?
- Yes. There will be comments pages under the lessons. I’ll answer questions there.
What questions does this course use?
It uses preptests 132-136, and also some questions from 123-131. Note that you’ll need access to the preptests yourself. The best source to get them is Lawhub.
Is there a satisfaction guarantee?
- Yes. There’s a seven day money back guarantee.
I haven’t started studying. Will this work for beginners?
- The course is my best advice for all sections of the LSAT. If you’re a beginner, you can watch it from start to finish.
What if I’ve already been studying?
- There’s one and only one group that’s reported they haven’t found the course consistently useful: those scoring 165+ who have been studying for months. If that’s you, then you should take one of my advanced mastery seminars instead: the RC mastery seminar and the LR Mastery Seminar
- If you’re not scoring 165+, then you’ll probably find the course useful, even if you’ve been studying. It’s only the group 165+ who said it wasn’t suited for them. The reason was that they already knew 85% of the course. Everyone else who has taken the course has really enjoyed it, as you can see in the reviews section.
I only want people to take this course if they’re likely to find it useful. So if you’re scoring higher, you should take one of the mastery seminars I’ve released: The RC mastery seminar or the LR Mastery seminar
If you’re scoring under 165, or new to studying, this course will definitely be useful. I’ve had nothing but good feedback from this group.
Note: There are still things in the course useful for high scorers. One of the students in the original class moved from mid 160s to over 170. And plenty of people have used this course to move up to a high score.
It’s only harder to use if you’re already at a high score and have been studying. And enough people in that group has mentioned this that I decided to make a something specifically for them.
[email protected] (verified owner) –
This course has all the information needed to prepare and due extremely well on the LSAT. The content encompasses all aspects of the LSAT with concise and coherent rules of applicability with crystal clear explanations without convoluting the content. Awesome job and keep up the good work.
halkattan (verified owner) –
When I started studying I had no idea where to start or even how to study for the LSAT. I ended up signing up for Graeme’s course and I am so glad I did! The explanations gave me insight on what to look for and how to better myself through techniques and tips that he provides through the course. The explanations are the BEST. Graeme’s course gave me hope, and I’ve come a long way since I started. THANK YOU because I got what I needed and I have seen so much improvement since I started, so I sincerely appreciate it!
Nichet –
I am a working professional returning to school, and Graeme’s way of explaining the sections is much easier for me to understand than the free Test Masters course I took. Graeme’s method doesn’t solely rely on formulas and diagramming to get the answer; some of it requires simple thinking, realistic thinking. That resonates with me much better. I have been able to come to the answers much more quickly and getting them right, by simply using Graeme’s techniques. I’m glad I purchased the bundle. Looking forward to mastering every section! Thank you Graeme for going above and beyond to help us all get the score we desire. I’m so glad I found LSAT Hacks!! It has EVERYTHING you need and the detailed explanations really help too.
jameilia82 (verified owner) –
This course is beyond amazing. Before enrolling into this course, I took the LSAT and realized that I needed help. The LG explanations are so much more easy for me to understand, my timing and accuracy have already improved. This course is exactly what I’ve needed all along. Graeme’s strategies and tips have provided me the confidence that I need to achieve a better score.
hagatmas (verified owner) –
I took a short (2 day) logic games course with LSAT Hacks at the same time I was enrolled in another company’s online LSAT course, and got got more out of one hour with Graeme than with almost two months with the other course. I was at a point where I didn’t need to learn what was in each section of the test and didn’t need the most basic instruction in, for example, diagramming the various kinds of games but was open to insight into how really good games-section people even just look at a game, the incredibly simple but profoundly impactful ways they read the basic description of the game, the rules, and what they are doing when absorbing these things. I got faster almost immediately, and the fundamental principle of LSAT Hacks is that speed follows from expertise. I’ve enrolled in the full course because LSAT Hacks informs quickly and clearly, and that is just what I have been seeking.
Marvin –
This course is very informative and gives you the necessary tools, strategies, and mindset for taking the LSAT. Graeme will allow you to see into the mind of a high LSAT scorer. Also, this course will teach you the concepts of LR, LG, and RC. It is a great additional resource to your studying. I recommend this for the test taker who want to self-study and have an affordable LSAT course.
Graeme’s teaching method is very efficient and his tips for different question types, especially the argument-based questions helped me to change my mindset about the LSAT. Thank you very much Graeme!
Ian –
A great course that I very highly recommend to anyone studying for the LSAT.
Graeme takes the time to go through LR questions and logic games in extreme detail – not simply showing you the right answer but, more importantly, the methods that go into thinking a question through, and being able to derive the right answer on your own. He also makes sure to explain why the trap answers are tempting and what makes them wrong, making sure you never get caught by them again.
What’s best, however, is that Graeme isn’t weighted down by the rigidity of certain big name testing companies, which have strict methods towards certain question type, regardless of whether or not they are actually useful in a given situation. In this course, you learn exactly what you need in each situation rather than just a blanket method that could cause you to waste precious time on easy questions.
Overall, if you are thinking of taking a video course to study for the LSAT – TAKE THIS ONE! You’ll save tons of money and learn only the most efficient strategies towards improving your score.
Simon –
I absolutely enjoyed Graeme’s teaching methods. He is truly amazing when it comes to his knowledge of the LSAT. If you pay attention to his teaching and work on the homework assignments you definitely have a very good chance that you may achieve the score you desire. Thank you for holding this course and hopefully we can learn some more about law school in general from you.
Joseph Lanzilotta (verified owner) –
Great course!!
The lessons on individual question types were the most rewarding, as well as your small tips and tricks in your thought process that you mention throughout, rather spontaneously. These nuggets of wisdom really added to my own intuition. I enjoyed the relaxed environment of the lessons, and felt that drilling question types often was one of the more rewarding homework types.
Overall I have found the course to be a great value and count myself lucky to have seen that you were doing this when you were. You are clearly a legend in the LSAT online community and are an expert at your craft. So much so that I would not recommend your lessons to any sub-140 test takers, as they require somewhat of an understanding of how the LSAT is crafted. Your lessons as a companion to the LSAT Trainer, for example, would probably be sufficient for a strong study regimen, if coupled of course with ample drilling and timed Preptests. I like the simplicity of your explanations as compared to a more convoluted study guide such as Powerscores. Sometimes simple is better and smarter. And I really find that the casual approach you take toward common sense on the test (and watching it in action in your videos) is helpful.
I will certainly be using these videos again if I decide to take the test in September, and would recommend them to anyone.
Edit: Just got my LSAT score back! After self-studying and plateauing at the mid 160s, I added the course to my study regimen. Long story short, I broke through the 170 threshold on test day. Couldn’t have done it without this course!